Which two options will accomplish this task?

When you run a Crystal report that has run-time prompts, the prompt values need to be passed
using the command line. Which two options will accomplish this task? (Choose two.)

When you run a Crystal report that has run-time prompts, the prompt values need to be passed
using the command line. Which two options will accomplish this task? (Choose two.)

Create a default Crystal report from PeopleSoft Query using the file name (ACTQRY).RPT.

Hard-code that prompt value in quotes into the Process Definition page.

Use PeopleSoft Application Designer to create a run control page to gather values from the
user and dynamically pass them into thecommand line.

Create a default report from a new or unnamed query object to enable PeopleSoft Query to use
the in-memory selected column list to generate the report.

Create a default Crystal report from a named query object; the saved representation of the
selected column list is used to generate the report.


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