What is Paula seeing happen on this computer?

Paula works as the primary help desk contact for her company. Paula has just received a call from a user reporting that his computer just displayed a Blue Screen of Death screen and he ca no longer work. Paula walks over to the user’s computer and sees the Blue Screen of Death screen. The user’s computer is running Windows XP, but the Blue screen looks like a familiar one that Paula had seen a Windows 2000 Computers periodically.

The user said he stepped away from his computer for only 15 minutes and when he got back, the Blue Screen was there. Paula also noticed that the hard drive activity light was flashing meaning that the computer was processing some thing. Paula knew this should not be the case since the computer should be completely frozen during a Blue screen. She checks the network IDS live log entries and notices numerous nmap scan alerts.

What is Paula seeing happen on this computer?

Paula works as the primary help desk contact for her company. Paula has just received a call from a user reporting that his computer just displayed a Blue Screen of Death screen and he ca no longer work. Paula walks over to the user’s computer and sees the Blue Screen of Death screen. The user’s computer is running Windows XP, but the Blue screen looks like a familiar one that Paula had seen a Windows 2000 Computers periodically.

The user said he stepped away from his computer for only 15 minutes and when he got back, the Blue Screen was there. Paula also noticed that the hard drive activity light was flashing meaning that the computer was processing some thing. Paula knew this should not be the case since the computer should be completely frozen during a Blue screen. She checks the network IDS live log entries and notices numerous nmap scan alerts.

What is Paula seeing happen on this computer?

Paula’s Network was scanned using FloppyScan

Paula’s Netwrok was scanned using Dumpsec

There was IRQ conflict in Paula’s PC

Tool like Nessus will cause BSOD

Floppyscan is a dangerous hacking tool which can be used to portscan a system using a floppy disk Bootsup mini Linux Displays Blue screen of death screen Port scans the network using NMAP Send the results by e-mail to a remote server.

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