What is Eve trying to do?

Eve is spending her day scanning the library computers. She notices that Alice is using a computer whose port 445 is active and listening. Eve uses the ENUM tool to enumerate

Alice machine. From the command prompt, she types the following command.

For /f "tokens=1 %%a in (hackfile.txt) do net use * \$ /user:"Administrator" %%a

What is Eve trying to do?

Eve is spending her day scanning the library computers. She notices that Alice is using a computer whose port 445 is active and listening. Eve uses the ENUM tool to enumerate

Alice machine. From the command prompt, she types the following command.

For /f "tokens=1 %%a in (hackfile.txt) do net use * \$ /user:"Administrator" %%a

What is Eve trying to do?

Eve is trying to connect as an user with Administrator privileges

Eve is trying to enumerate all users with Administrative privileges

Eve is trying to carry out a password crack for user Administrator

Eve is trying to escalate privilege of the null user to that of Administrator

Eve tries to get a successful login using the username Administrator and passwords from the file hackfile.txt.

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