What is the term 8 to describe an attack that falsifies a broadcast ICMP echo request and includes a primary and secondary victim?

What is the term 8 to describe an attack that falsifies a broadcast ICMP echo request and includes a primary and secondary victim?

What is the term 8 to describe an attack that falsifies a broadcast ICMP echo request and includes a primary and secondary victim?

Fraggle Attack

Man in the Middle Attack

Trojan Horse Attack

Smurf Attack

Back Orifice Attack

Trojan and Back orifice are Trojan horse attacks. Man in the middle spoofs the Ip and redirects the victems packets to the cracker The infamous Smurf attack. preys on ICMP’s capability to send traffic to the broadcast address. Many hosts can listen and respond to a single ICMP echo request sent to a broadcast address.
Network Intrusion Detection third Edition by Stephen Northcutt and Judy Novak pg 70 The "smurf" attack’s cousin is called "fraggle", which uses UDP echo packets in the same fashion as the ICMP echo packets; it was a simple re-write of "smurf".

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