ETHER: Destination address : 0000BA5EBA11 ETHER: Source address :
00A0C9B05EBD ETHER: Frame Length : 1514 (0x05EA) ETHER: Ethernet Type :
0x0800 (IP) IP: Version = 4 (0x4) IP: Header Length = 20 (0x14) IP:
Service Type = 0 (0x0) IP: Precedence = Routine IP: …0…. = Normal
Delay IP: ….0… = Normal Throughput IP: …..0.. = Normal
Reliability IP: Total Length = 1500 (0x5DC) IP: Identification = 7652
(0x1DE4) IP: Flags Summary = 2 (0x2) IP: …….0 = Last fragment in
datagram IP: ……1. = Cannot fragment datagram IP: Fragment Offset = (0x0) bytes IP: Time to Live = 127 (0x7F) IP: Protocol = TCP –
Transmission Control IP: Checksum = 0xC26D IP: Source Address = IP:
Destination Address = TCP: Source Port = Hypertext Transfer
Protocol TCP: Destination Port = 0x1A0B TCP: Sequence Number =
97517760 (0x5D000C0) TCP: Acknowledgement Number = 78544373 (0x4AE7DF5)
Data Offset = 20 (0x14) TCP: Reserved = 0 (0x0000) TCP: Flags =
0x10 : .A…. TCP: ..0….. = No urgent data TCP: …1…. =
Acknowledgement field significant TCP: ….0… = No Push function TCP:
…..0.. = No Reset TCP: ……0. = No Synchronize TCP: …….0 = No
Fin TCP: Window = 28793 (0x7079) TCP: Checksum = 0x8F27 TCP: Urgent
Pointer = 0 (0x0)
An employee wants to defeat detection by a network-based IDS application. He does not want to attack the system containing the IDS application. Which of the following strategies can be used to defeat detection by a network-based IDS application?
Create a SYN flood
Create a network tunnel
Create multiple false positives
Create a ping flood
Certain types of encryption presents challenges to network-based intrusion detection and may leave the IDS blind to certain attacks, where a host-based IDS analyzes the data after it has been decrypted.