Interlink/JDeveloper tab in the PeopleTools Configuration Manager?

Which two statements are true regarding the usages and description of the Crystal/Bus.
Interlink/JDeveloper tab in the PeopleTools Configuration Manager? (Choose two.)

Which two statements are true regarding the usages and description of the Crystal/Bus.
Interlink/JDeveloper tab in the PeopleTools Configuration Manager? (Choose two.)

The Crystal/Bus, Interlink/JDeveloper tab is used to specify the locations of Crystal Reports
executables and the default location for Crystal Reports that are generated through PeopleSoft

If you have Crystal Reports installed on a network drive, the Crystal EXEs Path parameter is
populated automatically to reflect the location of the Crystal Reports executables-for

If you have Crystal Reports installed locally on the workstation, the Crystal EXEs Path
parameter is populated automatically.

If the Default Crystal Reports option is deselected, you are able to create a Crystal report from
Oracle’s PeopleSoft Query.


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