What is Bob supposed to do next?

Bob is going to perform an active session hijack against Brownies Inc. He has found a target that allows session oriented connections (Telnet) and performs the sequence prediction on the target operating system. He manages to find an active session due to the high level of traffic on the network. What is Bob supposed to do next?

Bob is going to perform an active session hijack against Brownies Inc. He has found a target that allows session oriented connections (Telnet) and performs the sequence prediction on the target operating system. He manages to find an active session due to the high level of traffic on the network. What is Bob supposed to do next?

Take over the session

Reverse sequence prediction

Guess the sequence numbers

Take one of the parties offline

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Doesn’t “…he performs the sequence prediction…” mean that he already guessed the sequence numbers?



Predicting doesn’t necessarily mean you have guessed it right 😉 :
“performs the sequence prediction” .. You can predict that the sequence numbers supersede each other by 2,but you dont have the numbers yet…I agree,guessing should give you the answer.



So to me performing the sequence prediction means he already did that. So guessing would be the same exact step.

I swear I hate how this test words its questions.