You are about to plug a multi-terabyte non-CDB into an existing multitenant container database
The characteristics of the non-CDB are as follows:
Version: Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( 64-bit
Character set: AL32UTF8
National character set: AL16UTF16
—–O/S: Oracle Linux 6 64-bit
The characteristics of the CDB are as follows:
Version: Oracle Database 12c Release 1 64-bit
Character Set: AL32UTF8
National character set: AL16UTF16
O/S: Oracle Linux 6 64-bit
Which technique should you use to minimize down time while plugging this non-CDB into the
Transportable database
Transportable tablespace
Data Pump full export/import
The DBMS_PDB package
* Overview, example:
– Log into ncdb12c as sys
– Get the database in a consistent state by shutting it down cleanly.
– Open the database in read only mode
– Run DBMS_PDB.DESCRIBE to create an XML file describing the database.
– Shut down ncdb12c
– Connect to target CDB (CDB2)
– Check whether non-cdb (NCDB12c) can be plugged into CDB(CDB2)
– Plug-in Non-CDB (NCDB12c) as PDB(NCDB12c) into target CDB(CDB2).
– Access the PDB and run the noncdb_to_pdb.sql script.
– Open the new PDB in read/write mode.
* You can easily plug an Oracle Database 12c non-CDB into a CDB. Just create a PDB manifest
file for the non-CDB, and then use the manifest file to create a cloned PDB in the CDB.
* Note that to plugin a non-CDB database into a CDB, the non-CDB database needs to be of
version 12c as well. So existing 11g databases will need to be upgraded to 12c before they can be
part of a 12c CDB.
why there are questions about PDB/CDB all over again. It`s not even required to iz0-062
I thought about this myself
If the non-CDB is version onward, you can consider using Transport Database, as described here. If the non-CDB is pre-, then you can still consider using transportable tablespaces.
C can’t be because Note that the
source database must be Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( or higher for a full transportable