Which of the following Nmap commands would be used to perform a stack fingerprinting?

Which of the following Nmap commands would be used to perform a stack fingerprinting?

Which of the following Nmap commands would be used to perform a stack fingerprinting?

Nmap -O -p80 <host(s.>

Nmap -hU -Q<host(s.>

Nmap -sT -p <host(s.>

Nmap -u -o -w2 <host>

Nmap -sS -0p target

This option activates remote host identification via TCP/IP fingerprinting. In other
words,it uses a bunch of techniques to detect subtlety in the underlying operating system network
stack of the computers you are scanning. It uses this information to create a “fingerprint” which it
compares with its database of known OS fingerprints (the nmap-os-fingerprints file. to decide what
type of system you are scanning.

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