You want to use netcat to generate huge amount of useless network data continuously for various
performance testing between 2 hosts.
Which of the following commands accomplish this?
Machine A
#yes AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA | nc –v –v –l –p 2222 > /dev/null
Machine B
#yes BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB | nc machinea 2222 > /dev/null
Machine A
cat somefile | nc –v –v –l –p 2222
Machine B
cat somefile | nc othermachine 2222
Machine A
nc –l –p 1234 | uncompress –c | tar xvfp
Machine B
tar cfp – /some/dir | compress –c | nc –w 3 machinea 1234
Machine A
while true : do
nc –v –l –s –p 6000 machineb 2
Machine B
while true ; do
nc –v –l –s –p 6000 machinea 2
Machine A is setting up a listener on port 2222 using the nc command andthen having the letter A
sent an infinite amount of times,when yes is used to send data yes NEVER stops until it recieves a
break signal from the terminal (Control+C),on the client end (machine B),nc is being used as a
client to connect to machine A,sending the letter B and infinite amount of times,while both clients
have established a TCP connection each client is infinitely sending data to each other,this process
will run FOREVER until it has been stopped by an administrator or the attacker.