Which of the following statements is true?

In an attempt to secure his 802.11b wireless network, Ulf decides to use a strategic antenna
positioning. He places the antenna for the access points near the center of the building. For those
access points near the outer edge of the building he uses semi-directional antennas that face
towards the building’s center. There is a large parking lot and outlying filed surrounding the
building that extends out half a mile around the building. Ulf figures that with this and his
placement of antennas, his wireless network will be safe from attack.
Which of the following statements is true?

In an attempt to secure his 802.11b wireless network, Ulf decides to use a strategic antenna
positioning. He places the antenna for the access points near the center of the building. For those
access points near the outer edge of the building he uses semi-directional antennas that face
towards the building’s center. There is a large parking lot and outlying filed surrounding the
building that extends out half a mile around the building. Ulf figures that with this and his
placement of antennas, his wireless network will be safe from attack.
Which of the following statements is true?

With the 300 feet limit of a wireless signal,Ulf’s network is safe.

Wireless signals can be detected from miles away,Ulf’s network is not safe.

Ulf’s network will be safe but only of he doesn’t switch to 802.11a.

Ulf’s network will not be safe until he also enables WEP.

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whatttt?????? wep???

Wireless signals can be detected from miles away,Ulf’s network is not safe. and this???



WEP???? It’s B…



Although wireless networks can be detected from the miles away capable hardware is must need to do so. Here the antenna is semi directional so not possible to detect the signals from miles away as its pointed towards the center of building which will not lead the signals to go outside the building but still its vulnerable in other words he’s trying to limit the signal inside the building only so having WEP makes sense again its not full proof but serves purpose for the situation.



At this situation is better to think in add hardware than something like WEP that has not reference at all in the question. So I think it´s b