What kind of attack is this?

In order to attack a wireless network, you put up an access point and override the signal of the real

access point. As users send authentication data, you are able to capture it. What kind of attack is

In order to attack a wireless network, you put up an access point and override the signal of the real

access point. As users send authentication data, you are able to capture it. What kind of attack is

WEP attack

Drive by hacking

Rogue access point attack

Unauthorized access point attack

The definition of a Rogue access point is:
1. A wireless access point (AP) installed by an employee without the consent of the IT department.
Without the proper security configuration,users have exposed their company’s network to the
outside world.
2. An access point (AP) set up by an attacker outside a facility with a wireless network. Also called
an “evil twin,” the rogue AP picks up beacons (signals that advertise its presence) from the
company’s legitimate AP and transmits identical beacons,which some client machines inside the
building associate with.

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