You are doing IP spoofing while you scan your target. You find that the target has port 23 open.
Anyway you are unable to connect. Why?
A firewall is blocking port 23
You cannot spoof + TCP
You need an automated telnet tool
The OS does not reply to telnet even if port 23 is open
The question is not telling you what state the port is being reported by the scanning
utility,if the program used to conduct this is nmap,nmap will show you one of three states –
“open”,“closed”,or “filtered” a port can be in an “open” state yet filtered,usually by a stateful packetinspection filter (ie. Netfilter for linux,ipfilter for bsd). C and D to make any sense forthis
question,their bogus,and B,“You cannot spoof + TCP”,well you can spoof + TCP,so we strike that