Why would an attacker want to perform a scan on port 137?
To discover proxy servers on a network
To disrupt the NetBIOS SMB service on the target host
To check for file and print sharing on Windows systems
To discover information about a target host using NBTSTAT
Microsoft encapsulates netbios information withinTCP/Ip using ports 135-139.It is
trivial for an attacker to issue thefollowing command:
nbtstat -A (your Ip address)
Fromtheir windows machine and collect information about your windowsmachine (if you are not
blocking traffic to port 137 at your borders).
C. It is NetBEUI file transfer NetBIOS.
D. To discover information about a target host using NBTSTAT
The NBSTAT message is a message using the NetBIOS name services (nbns) running on UDP port 137