ettercap –NCLzs –quiet
What does the command in the exhibit do in “Ettercap”?
This command will provide you the entire list of hosts in the LAN
This command will check if someone is poisoning you and will report its IP.
This command will detach from console and log all the collected passwords from the network to
a file.
This command broadcasts ping to scan the LAN instead of ARP request of all the subnet IPs.
-N = NON interactive mode (without ncurses)
-C = collect all users and passwords
-L = if used with -C (collector) it creates a file with all the password sniffed in the session in the
form “YYYYMMDD-collected-pass.log”
-z = start in silent mode (no arp storm on start up)
-s = IP BASED sniffing
–quiet = “demonize” ettercap. Useful if you want to log all data in background.