What is the effect of this parameter settings on the use of openSSH commands on both the client and server?

Examine this extract from the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file:
passwordAuthentication no
What is the effect of this parameter settings on the use of openSSH commands on both the client
and server?

Examine this extract from the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file:
passwordAuthentication no
What is the effect of this parameter settings on the use of openSSH commands on both the client
and server?

Passwords are not required and no ssh-keygen is required either. Only passphrase are

Client users whose keys are not in the authorized_keys file on the server are unable to use
passwords to authenticate themselves to the server.

The ssh daemon does not ask for a password before starting or stopping the sshd service.

Client users whose keys are not in the authorized_keys file on the client are unable to use
passwords to authenticate themselves to the server.

If you set PasswordAuthentication to no, you will no longer be able to use a login
and password to authenticate and must use a login and public key instead (if
PubkeyAuthentication is set to yes).

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Correct answer is B.

SSH support multiple ways to authenticate users, the most common one is by asking a login and a password but you can also authenticate user a login and a public key. If you set PasswordAuthentication to no, you will no longer be able to use a login and password to authenticate and must use a login and public key instead (if PubkeyAuthentication is set to yes)