What is the purpose of Setting AUTOINSTALL to YES /etc/uptrack.conf?

What is the purpose of Setting AUTOINSTALL to YES /etc/uptrack.conf?

What is the purpose of Setting AUTOINSTALL to YES /etc/uptrack.conf?

To install Ksplice kernel updates during the reboot of a system

To install updates to the Ksplice software Itself during a system reboot

To enable the uptrack cron job to install Ksplice kernel updates whenever they become

To enable Ksplice to automatically install the kernel rpm whenever new Ksplice kernel updates
become available

To enable Ksplice to install Ksplice kernel updates and new kernel RPMS whenever they
become available

If you’d like Ksplice Uptrack to automatically install updates as they become
available, run:
sh install-uptrack YOUR_ACCESS_KEY –autoinstall
in place of the above install-uptrack command, or set “autoinstall = yes” in your
/etc/uptrack/uptrack.conf after installation.
Note: Automatic updates
You can configure your systems to automatically install updates as they become available. To
enable autoinstall, set autoinstall = yes in your /etc/uptrack/uptrack.conf, or pass the –autoinstall
flag during installation.
Autoinstall is our most popular configuration. It is a scalable way to ensure that updates get
installed quickly as they become available, regardless of when they are released.
Please note that enabling autoinstall does not mean the Uptrack client itself is automatically
upgraded. You will be notified via e-mail when a new Uptrack client is available, and it can be

upgraded through your package manager.

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Correct answer is D.



Answer: D

To make Ksplice Uptrack install all updates automatically as they become available, set the following entry:
autoinstall = yes

To install updates automatically at boot time, the following entry must appear in /etc/uptrack/uptrack.conf:
install_on_reboot = yes

Hence, when you boot the system into the same kernel, the /etc/init.d/uptrack script reapplies the installed Ksplice updates to the kernel.

To prevent Ksplice Uptrack from automatically reapplying updates to the kernel when you reboot the system, set the entry to:
install_on_reboot = no

To install all available updates at boot time, even if you boot the system into a different kernel, uncomment the following entry in /etc/uptrack/uptrack.conf:
#upgrade_on_reboot = yes
so that it reads:
upgrade_on_reboot = yes



C – This is a configuration parameter, autoinstall, in the /etc/uptrack/uptrack.conf file. Setting this directive to yes automatically downloads and installs Ksplice updates using cron.

Uptrack runs in a cron job every few hours to check for and download
new updates. You can can configure this cron job to automatically
install new updates as they become available.
Enable this option to make the cron job automatically install new

autoinstall = yes

Burak Emre

Burak Emre

C –
# GUI users will get all notices via the GUI and likely want to set
# the following cron options to “no”.
# Cron job will install updates automatically
autoinstall = no
# Cron job will print a message when new updates are installed.

Jef Adams

Jef Adams

# cat /etc/uptrack/uptrack.conf


# Uptrack runs in a cron job every few hours to check for and download
# new updates. You can can configure this cron job to automatically
# install new updates as they become available.
# Enable this option to make the cron job automatically install new
# updates.
# …
autoinstall = yes

To make Ksplice Uptrack install all updates automatically as they become available, set the following entry:

autoinstall = yes

To install updates automatically at boot time, the following entry must appear in /etc/uptrack/uptrack.conf:

install_on_reboot = yes

To prevent Ksplice Uptrack from automatically reapplying updates to the kernel when you reboot the system, set the entry to:

install_on_reboot = no

To install all available updates at boot time, even if you boot the system into a different kernel, uncomment the following entry in /etc/uptrack/uptrack.conf:

upgrade_on_reboot = yes

With this info I would go for answer C




nowhere it is mentioned that it uses the cron job. We can manually update this uptrack.conf.

would go with D or E




vasben is entirely correct: a kernel rpm is a different beast entirely from a uek kernel update.