While using your bank’s online servicing you notice the…

While using your bank’s online servicing you notice the following string in the URL bar: “http://
You observe that if you modify the Damount & Camount values and submit the request, that data on the web
page reflect the changes.
Which type of vulnerability is present on this site?

While using your bank’s online servicing you notice the following string in the URL bar: “http://
You observe that if you modify the Damount & Camount values and submit the request, that data on the web
page reflect the changes.
Which type of vulnerability is present on this site?

Web Parameter Tampering

Cookie Tampering

XSS Reflection

SQL injection

The Web Parameter Tampering attack is based on the manipulation of parameters exchanged between client
and server in order to modify application data, such as user credentials and permissions, price and quantity of
products, etc. Usually, this information is stored in cookies, hidden form fields, or URL Query Strings, and is
used to increase application functionality and control.

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