Which three statements are true about the User Private Group scheme in Oracle Linux?

Which three statements are true about the User Private Group scheme in Oracle Linux?

Which three statements are true about the User Private Group scheme in Oracle Linux?

If a user jules is added with the useradd jules command, a group called jules_grp is also

The umask for the jules user is 002 in /etc/bashrc

Users belonging to a group to which user jules also belongs, are automatically able to write to
the private group belonging to the jules user.

If a user jules is added with the user add jules command, a group called jules is also added. but
no other user may be a member of that group.

A directory owned by a group to which several users belong, and which has the setgid fa turned
on, has shared write access to all members of the group.

The User private Group scheme is enabled by default in Oracle Linux.

DF (not A): By default, Oracle Linux implements the user private group (UPG)
scheme where adding a user account also creates a corresponding UPG with the same name as
the user, and of which the user is the only member.
E: When setgid permission is applied to a directory, files that were created in this directory belong
to the group to which the directory belongs, not the group to which the creating process belongs.
Any user who has write and execute permissions in the directory can create a file there. However,
the file belongs to the group that owns the directory, not to the user’s group ownership.

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D is wrong: ” but no other user may be a member of that group.”
you can add others users to the group:
[root@olite-linux ~]# adduser jules
[root@olite-linux ~]# adduser charles
[root@olite-linux ~]# usermod -g jules charles
[root@olite-linux ~]# id charles
uid=504(charles) gid=503(jules) groups=503(jules)

Cihan Gedik

Cihan Gedik

Hi Marc

I or you got the question is wrong… Absolutely other members can be added to that group but in the question it mentions that no other member is added to that group automaticly by useradd jules command



B is right. A user whose primary group is a UPG has a umask of 0002, A user whose primary group is not a UPG have a umask of 0022.
E,F is right.