Which statement describes the outcome?

Examine the UserDir directives in this extract from /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf:
<IfModule mod_userdir.c>
UserDirenabled user1
UserDirdisabled user1
The web server URL is http://host01.
A website server URL is http://host01.
A user attempts to access user1’s webpages using this URL:

Which statement describes the outcome?

Examine the UserDir directives in this extract from /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf:
<IfModule mod_userdir.c>
UserDirenabled user1
UserDirdisabled user1
The web server URL is http://host01.
A website server URL is http://host01.
A user attempts to access user1’s webpages using this URL:

Which statement describes the outcome?

The occurrence user1 in the list of disabled users causes an access denied error to the website
contained in user1’1 public_html subdirecroty, overriding the enabled directive.

The occurrence of user1 in the list of enabled users allows access to the website contained in
user1’s public_html subdirectory, overriding the disabled directive.

The configuration produces an error upon web server startup, because the enabled and
disabled directive conflict.

Access is guaranteed because the UserDir public_html directive applies default access to all
local users on the system, overriding the enabled of disabled directive.


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Jef Adams

Jef Adams

According to me httpd.conf is read sequentially so disable will override enable
–> answer A



* The keyword ‘disabled’ followed by a space-delimited list of
usernames. Usernames that appear in such a list will never have directory
translation performed, even if they appear in an ‘enabled’ clause.