Which three statements are true logwatch installation and configuration?

The default locations and paths used by logwatch are:
Which three statements are true logwatch installation and configuration?

The default locations and paths used by logwatch are:
Which three statements are true logwatch installation and configuration?

After installing logwatch, no configuration is required to produce reports from system logs.

After installing logwatch, the /usr/share/logwatch/dist.conf directory will not exist because it is

After installing logwatch, you must create /etc/logwatch/conf to produce reports from system

After installing logwatch, all the default directories continue to exist.

To produce a report from the previous day’s logs, the – – range yesterday parameter must be

Running /usr/sbin/logwatch produces a report of the previous day’s log files.


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A, E, F

the tuk-ITE'05 CON-KMITL

the tuk-ITE'05 CON-KMITL

The answer is A, D, E.

the tuk-ITE'05 CON-KMITL

the tuk-ITE'05 CON-KMITL

[root@OraLinux6 /]# logwatch –range yesterday –print

################### Logwatch 7.3.6 (05/19/07) ####################
Processing Initiated: Wed Jan 21 14:16:58 2015
Date Range Processed: yesterday
( 2015-Jan-20 )
Period is day.
Detail Level of Output: 0
Type of Output: unformatted
Logfiles for Host: oralinux6

——————— Selinux Audit Begin ————————

Number of audit daemon starts: 1

Number of audit daemon stops: 1

———————- Selinux Audit End ————————-

——————— Automount Begin ————————

**Unmatched Entries**
lookup_read_master: lookup(nisplus): couldn’t locate nis+ table auto.master: 1 Time(s)

———————- Automount End ————————-

——————— Init Begin ————————

**Unmatched Entries**
Disconnected from system bus

———————- Init End ————————-

——————— Postfix Begin ————————

3.850K Bytes accepted 3,942
3.850K Bytes delivered 3,942
======== ================================================

1 Accepted 100.00%
——– ————————————————
1 Total 100.00%
======== ================================================

1 Removed from queue
1 Delivered

1 Postfix start
1 Postfix stop

———————- Postfix End ————————-

——————— Connections (secure-log) Begin ————————

**Unmatched Entries**
polkitd(authority=local): Registered Authentication Agent for session /org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Session1 (system bus name :1.25 [/usr/libexec/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1], object path /org/gnome/PolicyKit1/AuthenticationAgent, locale en_US.UTF-8): 1 Time(s)
polkitd(authority=local): Unregistered Authentication Agent for session /org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Session1 (system bus name :1.25, object path /org/gnome/PolicyKit1/AuthenticationAgent, locale en_US.UTF-8) (disconnected from bus): 1 Time(s)

———————- Connections (secure-log) End ————————-

——————— SSHD Begin ————————

SSHD Killed: 1 Time(s)

SSHD Started: 2 Time(s)

Users logging in through sshd:
root: 1 time

**Unmatched Entries**
Exiting on signal 15 : 1 time(s)

———————- SSHD End ————————-

——————— Disk Space Begin ————————

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda3 48G 13G 34G 27% /
/dev/sda1 248M 55M 182M 24% /boot
3.5G 3.5G 0 100% /OL6DVD
/dev/sdd1 20G 9.6G 9.1G 52% /u01
/dev/sdb1 9.9G 5.1G 4.3G 55% /home
2.0G 580M 1.4G 31% /u02

———————- Disk Space End ————————-

###################### Logwatch End #########################

[root@OraLinux6 /]#



yes A, D, E




Is not necessary to specify –yesterday to produce a report from previous day’s logs:

[root@master ~]# logwatch -print

################### Logwatch 7.3.6 (05/19/07) ####################
Processing Initiated: Sat Feb 28 23:05:35 2015
Date Range Processed: yesterday
( 2015-Feb-27 )
Period is day.
Detail Level of Output: 0
Type of Output: unformatted
Logfiles for Host: master.xxxxxxx.it

——————— Disk Space Begin ————————

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2 14G 9.5G 3.4G 74% /
/dev/sda1 198M 114M 74M 61% /boot
/dev/sdb1 32G 4.3G 26G 15% /home

———————- Disk Space End ————————-

###################### Logwatch End #########################



A, D, F,