Why is Ling unable to see the applet while it downloads?

While browsing the Web, Ling downloads a page that takes a long time. She notices that the
images appear progressively throughout the download, but the applets do not. The status bar
shows the remaining percentage for the applet to complete. Why is Ling unable to see the applet
while it downloads?

While browsing the Web, Ling downloads a page that takes a long time. She notices that the
images appear progressively throughout the download, but the applets do not. The status bar
shows the remaining percentage for the applet to complete. Why is Ling unable to see the applet
while it downloads?

Java applets are memory-intensive throughout downloading.

Java applets cannot instantiate without a class file.

Java applets must register parameters with the JVM.

Java applets have no streaming capability.

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