In a RDBMS, what is the fundamental concept of placing relations into 2nd Nomral
Functional dependency
Indexed relations
Vertical dependency
Horizontal dependency
None of the above.
According to There are three main normal forms,
each with increasing levels of normalization
First Normal Form (1NF. Each field in a table contains different information. For
example, in an employee list, each table would contain only one birthdate field.
Second Normal Form (2NF. No field values can be derived from another field. For
example, if a table already included a birthdate field, it could not also include a birth year
field, since this information would be redundant.
Third Normal Form (3NF. No duplicate information is permitted. So, for example, if two
tables both require a birthdate field, the birthdate information would be separated into a
separate table, and the two other tables would then access the birthdate information via
an index field in the birthdate table. Any change to a birthdate would automatically be
reflect in all tables that link to the birthdate table.