Which type of attack does this action help to prevent?

Lucy obtains the latest stable versions of server, services or applications. Which type of attack does this action help to prevent?

Lucy obtains the latest stable versions of server, services or applications. Which type of attack does this action help to prevent?

Dictionary attack

Buffer overflow attack

Trojan attack

Illicit server attack

A buffer overflow attack is where you send enough data to either deplete all the buffers or overflow the buffer itself. For example, you send a packet that is larger than the maximum size of the buffer, causing part of the system to be overlaid, and crashing the task or system. This occurs when there are bugs in the code that do not properly check for these conditions, and corrupt the system, leading to a failure. These bugs are discovered as the system matures, and when the bugs are discovered, the vendor will distribute fixes to plug the holes.
Incorrect Answers:
A: A dictionary attack does not exploit bugs or holes in the system, so applying fixes should not help prevent the attack.
C: A trojan attack does not exploit bugs or holes in the system, so applying fixes should not help prevent the attack. Note that a Trojan may have been deposited by a virus and maybe the fixes will prevent or irradiate the virus, but the Trojan horse has overlaid some code somewhere, and unless the fixes remove or replace the actual Trojan code, a Trojan attack is not prevented.
D: An illicit sever attack uses the same reasoning as why a Trojan attack would not be prevented.

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