Which type of attack uses a database or databases to guess a password in order to gain access to a computer system?

Which type of attack uses a database or databases to guess a password in order to gain access to a computer system?

Which type of attack uses a database or databases to guess a password in order to gain access to a computer system?

Hijacking attack

Virus attack

Dictionary attack

Man-in-the-middle attack

A dictionary attack is the process of trying every character combination to guess a password (brute force) or using a dictionary type program to generate and try all character combinations.
Incorrect Answers:
A: A hijacking attack is when someone gets in the middle of a transaction and takes over the transaction, spoofing himself as the original transaction partner.
B: A virus attack is when a program or macro is executed and the virus is implanted into another executable. A virus can be used to implant the code for the illicit server attack, but the actual illicit server attack is when the service or daemon is running.
D: A man-in-the-middle attack is also when someone gets in the middle of a transaction between two servers and intercepts the transaction flow. This differs slightly from the hijacking attack. In the hijacking attack the man-in-the-middle actually cuts in and 1D0-470
impersonates one the partners, but in a man-in-the-middle attack, the intervening party only eavesdrops and listens to the stream.

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