What are the most secure permissions you would apply to this file?

You must apply permissions to a file named /projects/group1/myfile.txt, and you need to fulfill the
following requirements:
You want full access to the file.
People in your group should be able to read the file.
People in your group should not be able to write to the file.
People outside of your group should be denied access to the file.
What are the most secure permissions you would apply to this file?

You must apply permissions to a file named /projects/group1/myfile.txt, and you need to fulfill the
following requirements:
You want full access to the file.
People in your group should be able to read the file.
People in your group should not be able to write to the file.
People outside of your group should be denied access to the file.
What are the most secure permissions you would apply to this file?

chage 700 /home/myname/myfile.txt

chage 744 /home/myname/myfile.txt

chmod 064 /home/myname/myfile.txt

chmod 640 /home/myname.myfile.txt

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