What should this process definitely include?

Gordon has been asked to create a focus group to aid in finishing the production of a Web site for the company World Stocks, Bonds and Currency Inc. What should this process definitely include?

Gordon has been asked to create a focus group to aid in finishing the production of a Web site for the company World Stocks, Bonds and Currency Inc. What should this process definitely include?

Choosing at least five individuals who represent the target audience demographic, and then using testers with varying degrees of computer experience to review the site

Using the bottom-up approach to site development by asking the corporate customers for the type of functionality they expect from the site, and then designing the look and feel of the site around those functions

Asking the corporate customers for their favorite colors, and then incorporating those colors into a style guide

Creating a set of real-world activities that the company wants to provide to its customers, and then assigning those activities as tasks to accomplish, with step-by-step directions for completing them

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