How can Serena best incorporate her message so that it is most effective?

A company Web site sells auto parts using a red, white and blue color scheme. Serena, an employee, has been asked to add a message on the home page announcing the availability of new brake pads. How can Serena best incorporate her message so that it is most effective?

A company Web site sells auto parts using a red, white and blue color scheme. Serena, an employee, has been asked to add a message on the home page announcing the availability of new brake pads. How can Serena best incorporate her message so that it is most effective?

Introduce new colors to make a scrolling message stand out at the bottom of the screen.

Add text and an image of the brake pads in the center of the screen.

Compress the text to fully explain the high quality of the new pads.

Use a large, unusual font for a link that states "Look what’s NEW!"

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