Which of the following will best meet visitors’ needs?

Jacob runs a Web site specializing in selling music from independent artists. Most of the site’s
customers want to know about unknown or new artists in the music industry whose work is
available on Jacob’s site. Site visitors have requested an easier way to learn about updates to the
New Artists page. Which of the following will best meet visitors’ needs?

Jacob runs a Web site specializing in selling music from independent artists. Most of the site’s
customers want to know about unknown or new artists in the music industry whose work is
available on Jacob’s site. Site visitors have requested an easier way to learn about updates to the
New Artists page. Which of the following will best meet visitors’ needs?

Install an RSS feed for the New Artists page.

Install a search feature on the New Artists page.

Update the New Artists page more often.

Use a different font for each new entry on the New Artists page.

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