How can Mikala balance the CEO’s preferences with the audience’s needs?

Mikala is designing a Web site for TLP Building Supply. The company’s CEO is impressed by
Flash introductions and blinking marquees, and she wants to use them on the TLP site. Mikala
knows from reviewing the site audience surveys that the TLP audience prefers easy navigation
and a simple design. How can Mikala balance the CEO’s preferences with the audience’s needs?

Mikala is designing a Web site for TLP Building Supply. The company’s CEO is impressed by
Flash introductions and blinking marquees, and she wants to use them on the TLP site. Mikala
knows from reviewing the site audience surveys that the TLP audience prefers easy navigation
and a simple design. How can Mikala balance the CEO’s preferences with the audience’s needs?

Discuss the survey results and develop the site mission with the CEO, and then design the site.

Design the site according to W3C standards, and then meet with the CEO after the site is

Implement the CEO’s suggestions for including the latest technologies because the primary
responsibility of a Web designer is to give customers what they

Convince the CEO that blinking marquees and Flash ineffectively convey a Web site’s message
and should not be used.

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