Which new process was introduced as of Oracle Database 12c?

Which new process was introduced as of Oracle Database 12c?

Which new process was introduced as of Oracle Database 12c?

Result Cache Background process (RCBG)

AQ Coordinator process (QMNC)

Change Tracking Writer process (CTWR)

Listener Registration process (LREG)


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Asraful Azim Al Khalil

Asraful Azim Al Khalil



12c Database : New Background Processes

New Background Processes that has been introduced from 12c, compared with Database.

12 C Process Name
AQPC AQ Process Coordinator
ARSn ASM Recovery Slave Process
BWnn Database Writer Process
FENC Fence Monitor Process
IPC0 IPC Service Background Process
LDDn Global Enqueue Service Daemon Helper Slave
LGnn Log Writer Worker
LREG Listener Registration Process
NSSn Network Server SYNC Process
OFSD Oracle File Server Background Process
QMnn AQ Master Class Process
RM RAT Masking Slave Process
RMON Rolling Migration Monitor Process
RPOP Instant Recovery Repopulation Daemon
SAnn SGA Allocator
SCCn ASM Disk Scrubbing Slave Check Process
SCRB ASM Disk Scrubbing Master Process
SCRn ASM Disk Scrubbing Slave Repair Process
SCVn ASM Disk Scrubbing Slave Verify Process
TTnn Redo Transport Slave Process
VUBG Volume drive Umbilicus Background

Source:- http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E16655_01/server.121/e17615/bgprocesses.htm