Which of the following allows the JSP to retrieve the JavaBean that the servlet stored in the ServletContext?

A servlet instantiates a JavaBean and stores it in the ServletContext object using the following

com.mybean.Employee worker = new com.mybean.Employee();
servletContext.setAttribute(“employee”, worker);
The servlet then returns a response to the client, which subsequently makes another request to a
JSP in the same Web application as the original servlet. Which of the following allows the JSP to
retrieve the JavaBean that the servlet stored in the ServletContext?

A servlet instantiates a JavaBean and stores it in the ServletContext object using the following

com.mybean.Employee worker = new com.mybean.Employee();
servletContext.setAttribute(“employee”, worker);
The servlet then returns a response to the client, which subsequently makes another request to a
JSP in the same Web application as the original servlet. Which of the following allows the JSP to
retrieve the JavaBean that the servlet stored in the ServletContext?

<jsp:useBean id=”employee” class=”com.mybean.Employee” scope=”servletcontext” />

<jsp:useBean id=”employee” class=”com.mybean.Employee” scope=”request” />

<jsp:useBean id=”worker” class=”com.mybean.Employee” scope=”application” />

<jsp:useBean id=”worker” class=”com.mybean.Employee” scope=”session” />

<jsp:useBean id=”worker” class=”com.mybean.Employee” />

The original JavaBean cannot be retrieved.

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