Which of the following SQL statements would return a relation that excludes all customers with a Satisfaction_Rate…?

Consider the relation shown in the exhibit.

Which of the following SQL statements would return a relation that excludes all customers with a Satisfaction_Rate of less than or equal to 80 unless the Sales_Office is located in Atlanta?

Consider the relation shown in the exhibit.

Which of the following SQL statements would return a relation that excludes all customers with a Satisfaction_Rate of less than or equal to 80 unless the Sales_Office is located in Atlanta?

SELECT * FROM Customers
WHERE Satisfaction_Rate > 80
OR Sales_Office = Atlanta

SELECT * FROM Customers
WHERE Satisfaction_Rate <= 80
AND Sales_Office = Atlanta

SELECT * FROM Customers
WHERE Satisfaction_Rate >= 80;

SELECT * FROM Customers
WHERE Satisfaction_Rate >= 80
AND NOT Sales Office = Atlanta

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