Which two statements are true about the block change tracking file?

To enable faster incremental backups, you enabled block change tracking for the database.
Which two statements are true about the block change tracking file? (Choose two.)

To enable faster incremental backups, you enabled block change tracking for the database.
Which two statements are true about the block change tracking file? (Choose two.)

Multiple change tracking files can be created for a database.

The change tracking file must be created after the first level 0 backup.

RMAN does not support backup and recovery of the change tracking file.

The database clears the change tracking file and starts tracking changes again, after
whole database restore and recovery operations.

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Jake from SF

Jake from SF

C and D are correct:


Although RMAN does not support backup and recovery of the change-tracking file itself, if the whole database or a subset needs to be restored and recovered, then recovery has no user-visible effect on change tracking. After the restore and recovery, the change tracking file is cleared, and starts recording block changes again. The next incremental backup after any recovery is able to use change-tracking data.



Answer C is correct
Amswer D is correct, however
The database clears the change tracking file and starts tracking changes again, after
whole database restore and recovery operations, provided of course you make at least a new level 0 backup, which the change tracking file can reference i.e.
“all blocks changed since this level 0 backup”.



u r a dumb fuck eamon..
a ………………….dumb……………………….fuck…… 😀