Which statement is true in this scenario?

The job to gather optimizer statistics for objects runs as part of the automatic maintenance window
in your database instance. At a certain point of time, the maintenance window closes before the
statistics are gathered for all objects. Which statement is true in this scenario?

The job to gather optimizer statistics for objects runs as part of the automatic maintenance window
in your database instance. At a certain point of time, the maintenance window closes before the
statistics are gathered for all objects. Which statement is true in this scenario?

The statistics collection continues until all objects are processed.

The job is terminated and the statistics collected are restored to a time before the job started.

This produces an error and the statistics collected are locked until the next time that the
maintenance window is opened.

The job is terminated and the statistics for the remaining objects are collected the next time that
the maintenance window is opened.

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Automatic Optimizer Statistics Collection
Collects optimizer statistics for all schema objects in the database for which there are no statistics or only stale statistics. The statistics gathered by this task are used by the SQL query optimizer to improve the performance of SQL execution.



A job in the automatic maintenance of your database instance window for some of the objects are optimized to collect statistical information at a specific point in time.

The statistics of all the objects were not done collecting, and maintenance window is closed at this time:

This job is terminated, the remaining collection of statistical information will be maintained in the next window opens when continue to collect.

