Which Debian package system command will list all partially installed packages and suggest how to get them correctly installed?

Which Debian package system command will list all partially installed packages and suggest how to get them correctly installed?

Which Debian package system command will list all partially installed packages and suggest how to get them correctly installed?

dpkg -C

apt-get -u

dpkg -Dh

dpkg -l

apt-get -y

From the man pages:
dpkg -C, –audit list all partially installed packages and will make suggestions how to install them correctly.
-Dh is the option for displaying help for the debugging options
-I, –info shows status information about a specific package
apt-get-y, –yes, –assume-yes will answer every interactive question with Yes, allowing unattended installation and upgrades.
apt-get -u, –show-upgraded shows all packages that were or will be upgraded.

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