You are designing an Integration to process sales orders using the SalesOrderEBO and as part of
the integration, you need to validate a credit card using ReceivedPaymentEBO. If the order is over
a certain amount, company policy requires a finance manager to approve the order.
Select the best method to accomplish this integration.
Create requester ABCS composites to invoke the SalesOrderEBO and ReceivedPaymentEBO
to allow the participating application to process the payment as part of the order.
Create a Composite Business Process to process the sales order, including the payment;
Create an Enterprise Business Flow to process the sales order, including the payment
You do not need to invoke ReceivedPaymentEBS.SalesOrderEBS handles the payment
Composite Business Processes (CBPs) are the implementation of process services.
Process services orchestrate a series of human and automated steps, including enterprise-wide
policies captured in business rules. These services run the implementations of the business
processes in the Oracle Application Integration Architecture (AIA) Reference Process Models.
AIA recommends using BPEL for implementing CBPs. CBPs are long-running processes that may
run from few seconds to days. A CBP has an interface and message structure that is
detailedenough to capture all of the information about the source of the triggering event. In most
cases, the event is triggered by customer-facing applications.
Note: An EBO (Enterprise Business Object) is the definition for a standard business data object
and is composed of reusable data components. The library of all EBOs makes up a data model.Reference: Oracle Fusion Middleware Concepts and Technologies Guide for Oracle Application
Integration Architecture Foundation Pack:
Designing and Constructing Composite Business Processes