Which two operations can AIA Deployment Plan perform?

Which two operations can AIA Deployment Plan perform?

Which two operations can AIA Deployment Plan perform?

Update AIA artifacts to SOA MDS

Create an SOA domain on Oracle Weblogic server

Create an SOAserver connection configuration

Deploy an ADF application

A:AIA Deployment Plan Generator utility helps generate Deployment Plans for
extended artifacts and AIA Installation Driver (AID) helps deploy them.
Note: A deployment plan is an auto generated xml file that

will be composed of services selected for deployment (by the individual performing the
deployment), along with the necessary configurations and dependant artifacts.
Note 2: AIA Installation Driver (AID) is responsible for deploying the content defined in the
deployment plan to the target servers defined in AIAInstallProperties.xml. The installation driver
is a command line tool that can interpret line by line of the deployment plan and deploys it to the
specified target server.

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