Which is true?

The sl:shoppingList and sl:item tags output a shopping list to the response and are used as
11. <sl:shoppingList>
12. <sl:item name=”Bread” />
13. <sl:item name=”Milk” />
14. <sl:item name=”Eggs” />
15. </sl:shoppingList>

The tag handler for sl:shoppingList is ShoppingListTag and the tag handler for sl:item is
ShoppingListTag extends BodyTagSupport and ItemSimpleTag extends SimpleTagSupport.
Which is true?

The sl:shoppingList and sl:item tags output a shopping list to the response and are used as
11. <sl:shoppingList>
12. <sl:item name=”Bread” />
13. <sl:item name=”Milk” />
14. <sl:item name=”Eggs” />
15. </sl:shoppingList>

The tag handler for sl:shoppingList is ShoppingListTag and the tag handler for sl:item is
ShoppingListTag extends BodyTagSupport and ItemSimpleTag extends SimpleTagSupport.
Which is true?

ItemSimpleTag can find the enclosing instance of ShoppingListTag by calling getParent() and
casting the result to ShoppingListTag.

ShoppingListTag can find the child instances of ItemSimpleTag by calling super.getChildren()
and casting each to an ItemSimpleTag.

It is impossible for ItemSimpleTag and ShoppingListTag to find each other in a tag hierarchy
because one is a Simple tag and the other is a Classic tag.

ShoppingListTag can find the child instances of ItemSimpleTag by calling getChildren() on the
PageContext and casting each to an ItemSimpleTag.

ItemSimpleTag can find the enclosing instance of ShoppingListTag by calling
findAncestorWithClass() on the PageContext and casting the result to ShoppingListTag.


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