which four are true for this security constraint?

Given the security constraint in a DD:
101. <security-constraint>
102. <web-resource-collection>
103. <web-resource-name>Foo</web-resource-name>
104. <url-pattern>/Bar/Baz/*</url-pattern>
105. <http-method>POST</http-method>
106. </web-resource-collection>
107. <auth-constraint>
108. <role-name>DEVELOPER</role-name>
109. </auth-constraint>
110. </security-constraint>

And given that “MANAGER” is a valid role-name, which four are true for this security constraint?
(Choose four.)

Given the security constraint in a DD:
101. <security-constraint>
102. <web-resource-collection>
103. <web-resource-name>Foo</web-resource-name>
104. <url-pattern>/Bar/Baz/*</url-pattern>
105. <http-method>POST</http-method>
106. </web-resource-collection>
107. <auth-constraint>
108. <role-name>DEVELOPER</role-name>
109. </auth-constraint>
110. </security-constraint>

And given that “MANAGER” is a valid role-name, which four are true for this security constraint?
(Choose four.)

MANAGER can do a GET on resources in the /Bar/Baz directory.

MANAGER can do a POST on any resource in the /Bar/Baz directory.

MANAGER can do a TRACE on any resource in the /Bar/Baz directory.

DEVELOPER can do a GET on resources in the /Bar/Baz directory.

DEVELOPER can do only a POST on resources in the /Bar/Baz directory.

DEVELOPER can do a TRACE on any resource in the /Bar/Baz directory.


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