which two, inserted independently at line 109, will allow users with role names of either SALES or MARKETING to access this resource?

Given the two security constraints in a deployment descriptor:
101. <security-constraint>
102. <!–a correct url-pattern and http-method goes here–>
103. <auth-constraint><role-name>SALES</role-name></auth-
103. <auth-constraint>
104. <role-name>SALES</role-name>
105. </auth-constraint>
106. </security-constraint>
107. <security-constraint>
108. <!–a correct url-pattern and http-method goes here–>
109. <!– Insert an auth-constraint here –>
110. </security-constraint>
If the two security constraints have the same url-pattern and http-method, which two, inserted

independently at line 109, will allow users with role names of either SALES or MARKETING to
access this resource? (Choose two.)

Given the two security constraints in a deployment descriptor:
101. <security-constraint>
102. <!–a correct url-pattern and http-method goes here–>
103. <auth-constraint><role-name>SALES</role-name></auth-
103. <auth-constraint>
104. <role-name>SALES</role-name>
105. </auth-constraint>
106. </security-constraint>
107. <security-constraint>
108. <!–a correct url-pattern and http-method goes here–>
109. <!– Insert an auth-constraint here –>
110. </security-constraint>
If the two security constraints have the same url-pattern and http-method, which two, inserted

independently at line 109, will allow users with role names of either SALES or MARKETING to
access this resource? (Choose two.)






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