Identify the two correct statements regarding nonrevenue forecasts.
Multiple overlay resources cannot be forecast to the same primary deal.
Organizations have to explicitly enable the nonrevenue forecasting feature.
Nonrevenue forecast allows the same revenue to the forecast multiple times.
You cannot designate territories as forecastable for nonrevenue.
Nonrevenue forecast has no relationship with nonrevenue; quota goals set on the territory.
B: The administrator must enable nonrevenue forecasting.
Note: Nonrevenue forecasts are optional, but if an organization chooses to enable the feature,
typically at some level of management some users can submit both revenue and nonrevenue
forecasts, and in this case there is often an expected ratio of revenue to nonrevenue dollars. The
ratio could be 1 revenue dollar to 1 nonrevenue dollar or 1 revenue dollar to 9 nonrevenue dollars,
but any major discrepancy is cause for further analysis. The nonrevenue forecast is based on the
nonrevenue credit split within the opportunity, and is closely associated with the nonrevenue quota
goals set on the territory.
C:Nonrevenue forecasts allow overlay resources who are not the owners of the primary territory to
submit a forecast on the same revenue as the primary sales resource. The primary sales resource
submits a revenue forecast, and the amount should be counted only once for the revenue
forecast. The nonrevenue forecast allows the same revenue to be forecasted a second time.
If there are multiple overlay resources who forecasted the same deal, then the same revenue
amount can be added to the nonrevenue forecast many times. A primary resource for one territory
can submit a nonrevenue forecast for another territory, so the context of the territory determines if
a user is submitting a revenue or nonrevenue forecast.
Oracle Fusion Applications Sales Implementation Guide,Nonrevenue Forecasting: