Identify three mandatory items for creating a rule set in Oracle Fusion.

Identify three mandatory items for creating a rule set in Oracle Fusion.

Identify three mandatory items for creating a rule set in Oracle Fusion.


Business Object

Work Object

Candidate Object

Effective Start Date and Effective End Date

The work object, candidate object, and attributes are components that fit together to
create assignment objects that are used in rule-based and territory-based assignment. Work
objects are business objects that require assignment such as leads and opportunities. Candidate
objects are business objects such as resources and territories that are assigned to work objects.
When you create candidate objects, you can select attributes for them that are later used in rules
or mappings. These candidate objects also become candidates that are available for association
when you create work objects. When you create work objects, you can select attributes for them
also, as well as associating one or more candidates.
Note 1:A work object is a business object that requires assignment such as a lead or an
opportunity. Creating a work object involves entering its application information, selecting its
attributes to use during assignment, and associating one or more candidates.
Note:Developing Personalization using User Segments, Campaigns, Placeholders, and Content
Selectors can be done with JSP tags with very little Java coding. There might be times, however,
when you want more flexibility in your Personalization.You can achieve this by creating and
deploying a rule set, which uses the Rules Controls and the RulesManager EJB.
Note 2:A candidate object is a business object such as a resource or a territory that is associated
with one or more work objects for eventual assignment. Creating a candidate object involves
entering its application information and selecting its attributes to use in rules or mappings. A
special type of candidate object is a classification object. This type of candidate object does not
represent a business object that gets assigned to a work object. It is used only with classification
rules and is used primarly to rank or qualify leads.
Oracle Fusion Applications Sales Implementation Guide, How Assignment Object
Components Work Together

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