Select the true statement.

You are working as a consultant for a company that is upgrading to Oracle Fusion CRM. Currently,
you are configuring the Fusion Assignment Objects. After meeting with the customer, they have
decided that they would like the leads assignment object to send leads based on customer size to
specific territories.
Select the true statement.

You are working as a consultant for a company that is upgrading to Oracle Fusion CRM. Currently,
you are configuring the Fusion Assignment Objects. After meeting with the customer, they have
decided that they would like the leads assignment object to send leads based on customer size to
specific territories.
Select the true statement.

This can’t be done because assignment objects contain work objects, but not candidate

This can’t be clone because assignment objects contain candidate objects,but notwork objects.

This can’t be done because assignment objects can contain candidate objects or work objects,
but not both.

This can’t be done because assignment objects can contain both candidate objects and work
objects, but can’t limit by customer size.

This scenario can be successfully created in Oracle Fusion CUM.

Attributes are elements in the view object defined for an assignment object. For
each assignment object, you can select one or more attributes that you want to use when
configuring assignmentrules or mappings. For example, for a work object like sales account, you
might choose the attributes of Named Account Flag, Customer Size, and Organization Type.
Note: The work object, candidate object, and attributes are components that fit together to create
assignment objects that are used in rule-based and territory-based assignment. Work objects are
business objects that require assignment such as leads and opportunities. Candidate objects are
business objects such as resources and territories that are assigned to work objects.

When you create candidate objects, you can select attributes for them that are later used in rules
or mappings. These candidate objects also become candidates that are available for association
when you create work objects. When you create work objects, you can select attributes for them
also, as well as associating one or more candidates.
Oracle Fusion Applications Sales Implementation Guide, How Assignment Object
Components Work Together

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