How is the result set cached when a query returns repository items whose item descriptors enable both item caching and query caching?

How is the result set cached when a query returns repository items whose item descriptors enable
both item caching and query caching?

How is the result set cached when a query returns repository items whose item descriptors enable
both item caching and query caching?

The query cache stores the repository IDsindexed by the given query and the item cache holds
the corresponding repository itemsindexed by the repository IDs.

The query cache stores both the repository IDs and the- repository items. The item cache is

The item cache stores the both the repository IDs and the repository items. The query cache is

Item descriptors can enable either the item cache or the query cache but not both.

Difference between Item Cache and Query cache
For each item descriptor, an SQL repository maintains two caches:
* Item caches
* Query caches
Item caches hold the values of repository items, indexed by repository IDs. Item caching can be
explicitly enabled for each item descriptor.
* Query caches hold the repository IDs of items that match given queries. When a query returns
repository items whose item descriptor enables query caching, the result set is cached as follows:
/ The query cache stores the repository IDs.
/ The item cache stores the corresponding repository items.

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