How can agreements be used to provide separate invoices?

A project has two customer billing elements. One part of the project is based on a fixed fee and

the other part is a variable based on a cost plus basis. The customer requires separate invoices
for fixed fee elements and variable works elements. How can agreements be used to provide
separate invoices?

A project has two customer billing elements. One part of the project is based on a fixed fee and

the other part is a variable based on a cost plus basis. The customer requires separate invoices
for fixed fee elements and variable works elements. How can agreements be used to provide
separate invoices?

Createeach element as a top task and implement top task billing for the project.

Create each element as a top task on the project and create an agreement for variable works
and onefor fixed fee.Then fund the project at the top task level.

Have one agreement and create an invoice grouping rule in Accounts Receivable.

Create oneagreement and fund the project.

Use billing events and create separate events per purchase order.

One Customer, Multiple Agreements
Use multiple agreements when you have one customer, but a requirement to create a separate
invoice for each top task.
You can use this method to accrue revenue cost-to-cost or impose hard or soft revenue limits by
task, as well as automatically create separate invoices by task.
To create separate invoices by task, you must use a different agreement to fund each task. If you
use more than one agreement for a single task, the agreements are used according to the
precedence described earlier for projects.
Oracle Project Billing User Guide,greements and Project Funding

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