A company has multi-currency projects and tasks. What is the hierarchy in which the currency
attributes are allocated to a transaction?
Implementation Options, Project,Task
Task,Project, Implementation Options
Task,Implementation Options, Project
Setting up Multi-Currency Transactions
To set up your system to process multi-currency transactions, perform the following steps:
*Implementation Options
Use the Currency Implementation Options to control the default values for currency attributes at
the operating unit level. Oracle Projects uses the currency attributes to calculate currency
exchange rates. See: Currency Implementation Options.
*CurrencyFor each project for which you want to process multi-currency transactions, set up the Currency
options in the project and task options window. This option enables you to enter default currency
attributes for a project. See: Currency, Oracle Projects Fundamentals.
*Cross Charge
You can use the Cross Charge Options to specify whether the project can accept charges from
other operating units. See: Cross Charge Setup, Oracle Projects Fundamentals.
*Task Currency and Cross Charge Options
*You can use the Task Currency and Cross Charge Options to override the costing currency
conversion attributes and cross charge options in a lowest task. See: Currency, Oracle Projects
Fundamentals and Cross Charge Setup, Oracle Projects Fundamentals.
*Transaction Entry and Transaction Import
During Transaction Entry and Transaction Import, you can override the project and task currency
attributes. See: Entering Expenditures, Oracle Project Billing User Guide and Currency
Conversion Attributes for Imported Transactions, Oracle Projects APIs, Client Extensions, and
Open Interfaces Reference.
Oracle Projects Implementation Guide