What is NOT contained in the locale setting of the operating system?

What is NOT contained in the locale setting of the operating system?

What is NOT contained in the locale setting of the operating system?

currency symbol



thousands separator

From the man pages:
These environment variables affect each locale categories for all locale-aware programs:
LC_CTYPE Character classification and case conversion.
LC_COLLATE Collation order.
LC_TIME Date and time formats.
LC_NUMERIC Non-monetary numeric formats.
LC_MONETARY Monetary formats.
LC_MESSAGES Formats of informative and diagnostic messages and interactive responses.
LC_PAPER Paper size.
LC_NAME Name formats.
LC_ADDRESS Address formats and location information.
LC_TELEPHONE Telephone number formats.
LC_MEASUREMENT Measurement units (Metric or Other).
LC_IDENTIFICATION Metadata about the locale information.

Timezone is not handled by locale.

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