Which two statements about your import CSV file are true?

You are importing Account records. You are basing your duplicate checking on External Unique IDs.
Which two statements about your import CSV file are true?

You are importing Account records. You are basing your duplicate checking on External Unique IDs.
Which two statements about your import CSV file are true?

Each record must have data for all of the required fields.

If there is no External Unique ID for a record, but the Account Name and Location data are
present, an External Unique ID is created for the record on import.

The required fields do not have to have data as long as the External Unique ID Is populated for
each record.

the Account Name and Location fields can be the same in numerous records, as long as the
External Unique ID field is unique in each record.

the External Unique ID and the combination of the Account Name and Location must be unique
for each record.


To update records:
1 Set up your import CSV file with a column for the External ID codes, or for all of the dup licate
checking fields for the record type.
2 Make sure that the External ID codes or the duplicate checking field values are exactly the same as
the values for the existing records. If you are using External ID codes, each one must be unique in the
system for the update to work (D).
3 Include at least all required fields in your import CSV file (A).
4 Select the Overwrite Existing Records option in Step 1 of the Import Assistant.
5 Make sure that you map the External ID field or all of the duplicate checking fields in the Field
Mapping step of the Import Assistant.
6 Complete all of the Import Assistant steps to import the data.
External Unique ID is a value taken from an external system that identifies the corresponding user
record in the external system.
The Import wizard uses an external unique ID, which is a unique external ID field that is
imported from another system, Oracle CRM On Demand row ID, and Oracle CRM On Demand pre –
defined fields. These pre-defined fields, such as Account Name and Location, do not have IDs.
Your CSV file might have External IDs, which are generated by many software systems. Using
External IDs
makes importing from external systems easier, where a primary key/foreign key relationship is
represented by
storing IDs in the related file. If you have External ID codes for each of your records, you can use the
Assistant to update fields in those records (except the External ID field). If you do not have External
ID codes,
you can only update those fields that are not used for duplicate checking.

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