Select two methods you could use to create that filter.

You created a report using the Service Request History subject area with these columns: SR Number,
Subject, Area, Type, Status. You want to filter the results by a specific product category. Select two
methods you could use to create that filter.

You created a report using the Service Request History subject area with these columns: SR Number,
Subject, Area, Type, Status. You want to filter the results by a specific product category. Select two
methods you could use to create that filter.

Click the Category Name column and drag It to the Active Filters section.

Click the Open Saved Filter button and select a filter from the Pre-built Analysis folder.

Add the Category Name column to the report and then dick the Edit Formula icon to add a Filtered
Metrics Function for Product Name.

Add the Category Name column to the report and then click the New Filter Icon for the column.

Press the Ctrl key and select the Category Name column from the column selector.

Add the Category Name column to the report and then click the Column Format icon and click the
Filter this Column check box.


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